The Covid-19 pandemic introduced several IT revolutions while spearheading the adoption of many technological practices. One such technological practice is enterprise mobile application and its development. In the past decade, rapid digitalization has led businesses to adopt enterprise mobile app development. It can be simply understood as the practice of creating and deploying agile, portable yet scalable, and trusted solutions to help enterprises engage and interact with the stakeholder’s ecosystem i.e customers, partners and employees.

A report by Markets and Markets reveals that the global enterprise mobility management market size is expected to grow at a CAGR of 25.1%  from 2020 to 2026. With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, businesses have kick-started their digital adoption strategies and have migrated from an offline to an online setup and in such digital-first scenarios, mobile app development has become a significant factor for enterprises.

This rapid rise of the industry can be attributed to the following four factors

  1. A tectonic shift of enterprises to cloud systems for various operations,
  2. Increased dependence on secure and resilient cyber models,
  3. Deeper penetration and low costs of data in APAC markets,
  4. The cost-effective and frequent availability of hardware in the markets.

Business Value of Enterprise Mobile App Development in 2022: 

Business Value of Enterprise Mobile App Development in 2022

What is an enterprise mobile application? A dedicated software that develops to help with the particular requirements of the business, is known as enterprise mobility solutions. It can be a mobile app or just a software solution. This kind of application is focused on a particular industry or organization to craft easy design and functionality of the application.

In the year 2022, mobile app development will become a must-have function for enterprises as it has strategic and business value because of six reasons listed below-

  • Customer Relationship Management

For any business globally, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a key function to not only keep increasing the sales and growth of the company but also maintain a solid customer base. In this process, CRM plays a huge role in both, new business acquisition and client retention.

In ensuring a smooth CRM, mobile applications help ten folds as through them enterprises can stay connected with their customers 24×7, creating a fluid and hassle-free channel of communication. It is required that this channel is highly precise, thoroughly supervised as the user experience on the application will determine the growth of the enterprise.

  • Streamlining the data flow

Businesses need to manage their data efficiently to enhance their productivity and maintain operational continuity. Big data has forced large enterprises to adopt mobile app solutions and help IT administrations simplify and manage their decision-making process.

Mobile app solutions enable the analysis of vast amounts of sensor-based and IoT data to reveal insights about relationships between clients, employees, and operations, and represent them in an easy-to-understand manner. Hence, these solutions and services are already gaining momentum and are being implemented by large enterprises and SMEs.

  • Employee Communication

With Work from Anywhere (WFA/WFH) becoming the norm, keeping the employee communication fluid has been a tough responsibility for human resources. Mobile applications can take care of this to the greatest level. Information exchange between employers and employees can function smoothly.

  • Brand Recall And Awareness

Mobile apps are an effective tool of creating a  lasting impression on customers by enhancing the user experience and brand engagement leading to a stronger brand recall and thus in turn boosting customer loyalty that leads to prolonged sales. While the app can not only resolve customer issues, the incorporation of AI and machine learning can cut the resolution time further enriching the user experience.

  • Competitive Edge On Competitors

Currently, mobile apps for small businesses are rare. However, in some time, the space will become crowded. Thus, it is a great time to grab on the first mover’s advantage before the competitor joins the space.

Since mobile apps are becoming inevitable, the space will definitely get crowded. Therefore it is wise to grab customer loyalty from the start and get that edge. User Experience, Graphics, and Branding are crucial aspects of app development and consumer psychology thus attracting more buyers.

  • Addressing Concerns of Cybersecurity

With rapid digitalization, phishing and malware attacks have also become common. Considering remote working, employees are functioning online, cybersecurity becomes an even more essential feature.

Developers and cybersecurity professionals have come together to produce cyber resilient solutions to integrate into business apps that ensure data integrity and immunity to potential cyber threats. Well-curated solutions can enhance security and efficiency, allowing IT administrators to control and monitor systems through a single access point.

Developers and cybersecurity professionals have come together to produce cyber resilient solutions to integrate into business apps that ensure data integrity and immunity to potential cyber threats. Well-curated solutions can enhance security and efficiency, allowing IT administrators to control and monitor systems through a single access point.

Enterprise App DevelopmentAuxano Global Services is a top enterprise mobility solution provider in UK, we have immense expertise in enterprise-level mobile app development. Our dedicated app developers always revere the client’s requirements in order to create something beyond expectation. Contact Us Now!

About the Author

Aakash Soni

Aakash Soni is the Operational Head of Auxano Global Services; a custom software development company that offers exceptional mobile app development services. He connects people to the power of purpose through his unique gifts and his clear-cut passion for helping individuals and businesses thrive. With more than 8+ years of experience in rendering effective IT solutions worldwide, his management and technical skills have led Auxano Global Services to prominence. He also made the company make a huge impact in the gaming world by introducing game development services. So if you want to hire dedicated offshore developers, then he is the man who can guarantee you skilled resources.

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